Category Archives: Uncategorized

What are MJPEG, H.264 and H.265 in CCTV ?

MJPEG, H.264 and H.265 are the 3 common methods that CCTV system records and store video. The same/similar methods are used by various other video streaming services, e.g. YouTube, Netflix to store/stream video to users as well. History When Type For Compression 1992 JPEG Picture Good Mid 1990’s MJPEG Video (VCD) Bad 1995 MPEG-2 Video […]

6 Steps to Secure your CCTV Systems

Internet Enabled Security Cameras Systems with poorly configured security and vulnerable firmware like any other internet connected devices, will be susceptible to unauthorised access. “Security cameras in Singapore homes have been hacked, with the footage stolen and shared online.” What can you do to protect your internet connected CCTV cameras ? Change the password […]

Reports of HIKVISION System Hacked

There are recently reports of HIKVISION system being hacked by other vendors and the live feed being replaced with a blank screen with the word Hacked. As of now, we have not received any customers feedback from our installed system that their systems are affected. Nevertheless, we are seeking the manufacturer advice on the situation […]

HIKVISION IP Camera Vulnerability Firmware Upgrade

Dear Customer, It had come to our attention through our ProActive Monitoring systems that in the recent week, multiple HIKVISION IP Cameras in Singapore are under hacking attacked and had their password changed/settings reset to default. Only some of the IP Cameras models are affected. For Lakson Customers who had their CCTV Cameras purchased and […]

AVTECH CCTV System Maleware Infection

AVTECH CCTV Equipment user, do the following immediately. Unplugged your AVTECH DVR/NVR/IP Cameras from the internet. Check on AVTECH website ( if upgraded firmware is available. Download and upgrade the firmware to your CCTV Equipment For older AVTECH equipment, it’s unlikely that AVTECH will release any firmware patches. If you don’t see your equipment listed […]